Rick Handler
Shadyside Sidewalk Sale
Whether you’re a tree hugger or just loing to get some fresh air after months in quarantine, McConnells Mill State Park makes for an exciting nearby day trip. Prehistoric, glacial drainage cut a deep gorge into the landscape, leaving some spectacular boulders and waterfalls. Remember—it’s called Slippery Rock Creek for a reason. Stay on the…
It’s Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix time with events going on through August 4. Tonight is the Invitational Car Show on Walnut Street. Here you’ll see a really cool collection of hot and historic cars. Walnut Street will be closed, so you can get a good gander as you stroll past these vintage automobiles. See our 2019 photo…
The Flaming Lips, Dancing Queen
O.A.R. and Fitz and The Tantrums, Picklesburgh
‘A Flea in Her Ear’