Third installment of Katniss and her band of rebels fighting evil. Does she win? You gotta wait for #4.
“The Daily Show” host Jon Stewart trades in the laughs for this dark and compelling true story set in modern-day Iran.
Step aside, Tim Burton. This new kids’ movie is over-written, but hey: The dead never loed so good.
This Dracula prequel, supposedly an origin story, is unashamedly unoriginal.
A lo at the upcoming Hollywood movies, treats … and tricks.
Here’s a smart and witty film that asks: How much upper-class angst can you take?
Nothing is what it seems in the “The One I Love,” a compelling movie about a bad relationship and good filmmaking.
A quick sneak at what the cinematic stork is bringing in September.
In the future you’re going to be happy … and you’ll hate it!