Pittsburgh Arts

Comedian DL Hughley at Pittsburgh Improv; Kyle Abraham/Abraham.In.Motion at August Wilson (Fri., 11/10/17)

DL Hughley, Kyle Abraham/Abraham.In.Motion, Dancing Queen

Valeri Mudek

Pitt vs. North Carolina at Heinz Field; ‘The Humans’ Opens at Pittsburgh Public Theater (Thurs., 11/9/17)

Pitt vs. North Carolina, ‘The Humans’

Howl at the Moon a Fun Downtown Hotspot; Alexions Bar & Grill Serving Carnegie Since ’53 (Wed., 11/8/17)

Howl at the Moon, Alexions Bar & Grill

Macklemore (front) performing at Sasquatch Music Festival in 2011 with his main musical collaborator Ryan Lewis. Photo: Christopher Dube.

David Crosby, Macklemore, and Regina Spektor in Pittsburgh Concerts (Tues., 11/7/17)

David Crosby, Mackle, Regina Spektor

Nobel Prize-winning Rock Poet Bob Dylan at Heinz Hall; Balcony Big Band at Jergel’s (Mon., 11/6/17)

Bob Dylan and Mavis Staples, The Balcony Big band

Nick Offerman.

Actor/Comedian Nick Offerman Brings Full Bush to Bennedum; ‘The Hard Problem’ Continues at Quantum (Sun., 11/5/17)

Nick Offerman, ‘The Hard Problem’


‘The Marriage of Figaro’ at Pittsburgh Opera; Prime Stage Running ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’ (Sat., 11/4/17)

‘The Marriage of Figaro,’ ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’

Yonder Mountain String Band Plays Stage AE; CHMH Hosts Citizen Cope (Fri., 11/3/17)

Yonder Mountain String Band, Citizen Cope

Actor/comedian Craig Robinson. Photo: Mark Sebastian and Wikipedia.

Actor/Comedian Craig Robinson at Pittsburgh Improv; The Hanger: A West Hills Hangout (Thurs., 11/2/17)

Craig Robinson; The Hangar

the central figure in ‘Parade

November Theater Guide: ‘Twas the Month Before Christmas …

Soon it will be time for the Sugar Plum Fairy and Scrooge—but until then, there’s a lot of good non-holiday theater on tap.

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