Pittsburgh Arts

D.L. Hughley Performs at Pittsburgh Improv; Sesame Street’s “Make a New Friend” Opens at Consol (CPs Fri., 1/9/15)

D.L. Hughley, Sesame Street Live, “Or”

Letter-from-my-Father. All images of Duane Michals' photos are courtesy of the artist and DC Moore Gallery.

Lyndsey Smith & Soul Distribution and Rachel B. Heat Up Club Cafe; “Storyteller: The Photographs of Duane Michals” Continues at CMOA (CPs Thurs., 1/8/15)

Lyndsey Smith & Soul Distribution and Rachel B.. Duane Michals’ Storyteller Photo Exhibit, Mario’s East Side Team Trivia, “A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night”

Boston Bruins in Town to Battle Penguins; Team Trivia at Cappy’s (CPs Wed., 1/7/15)

Bruins vs. Pens, Team Trivia, Country Night

Alan Linic

Second City Performs in Steel City; Roger Humphries Plays Backstage Bar (CPs Tues., 1/6/15)

Second City Comedy, Roger Humphries, Tropical Tuesdays

Manic Movie Monday (CPs Mon., 1/5/15)

“Unbren,” “Shock Value,” “Into the Woods”

age 5

First Night Pittsburgh 2015

Experience the festivities with Martha Rial’s First Night Pittsburgh 2015 Photo Gallery


Final Day for Warhol’s “13 Most Wanted Men” and “Chuck Connelly’s “My America” (CPs Sun., 1/4/15)

“13 Most Wanted Men: Andy Warhol and the 1964 World’s Fair,” “Chuck Connelly: My America,” Starving Artist Sunday Suppers

Allison Semmes (Diana Ross)

“Motown The Musical” Continues Benedum Run (CPs Sat., 1/3/15)

Donora, “Motown The Musical,” Ravens vs. Steelers, Canadiens vs. Pens

Last Days of Steamboat “Arabia” at Heinz History Center; Lightning vs. Pens (CPs Fri., 1/2/15)

“Steamboat Arabia,” Lightning vs. Pens, Schenley Park Ice Skating

First Night Pittsburgh 2015 Celebration; Girl Talk at Stage AE (CPs Wed., 12/31/14)

First Night Pittsburgh 2015, Girl Talk, Hurricanes vs. Pens

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