Pittsburgh Sports

Cornell Glee Club at Pitt; Nolens at Arcade Comedy (CPs Sat., 1/4/14)

The Cornell Glee Club, “Dinner with the Nolens,” One: a Celebration of U2, One Sweet Burgh

Huffman Road Band at Club Cafe; Improv Hosts Lil Duval (CPs Fri.,1/3/2014)

The Huffman Road Band, Lil Duval, Hidden Valley, Arsenal Lanes

Pity Sex at Smiling Moose; Poptastic! Continues at Heinz History (CPs Thurs., 1/2/14)

Pity Sex, Burton Morris Exhibit, Pennsylvania’s Civil War, Carnegie Coffee Company

New Year’s Day Meals and Movies (CPs Wed., 1/1/2014)

Rivers Casino, Meat and Potatoes, The Wolf on Wall Street, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

New Year’s Eve 2013 (CPs Tues., 12/31/13)

First Night Pittsburgh, Charles Bradley, Rusted Root, Kevin Brennan, “Ghost the Musical,” Foxy Shazam

Balcony Big Band Continues Monday Night Run at Jergel’s (CPs Mon., 12/30/13)

Balcony Big Band, Christmas Displays at Carnegie Museum and Phipps Conservatory, Local Music Night

Feed Me at Whim (CPs Sun.,12/29/2013)

DJ Feed Me, Year End Bash at Howler’s, Benny Benack Band, Steelers vs. Cleveland.

Blue of Colors at Club Cafe; Led Zeppelin 2 at Altar Bar (CPs Sat., 12/28/13)

Blue of Color, Led Zeppelin 2, No Bad Juju, Steel City Comedy Tour

Consol Hosts Three Rivers Classic Hockey Tourney; Clarks’ Holiday Shows at Rex (CPs Fri., 12/27/13)

Three Rivers Hockey Classic, The Clarks, Keller Williams, Vibro Kings

Bill Deasy at Club Cafe; Bill Crawford at Improv (CPs Thu., 12/26/13)

Bill Deasy, Bill Crawford, Harlem Globetrotters, Buku

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