
Spirited Funk-Rock Group Robert Randolph and the Family Band at Jergels; MCG Jazz Hosts David Sanborn (Thurs., 11/19/15)

Robert Randolph and the Family Band, David Sanborn, ‘The Piano Lesson’

‘Good Kids’ Playing at Pitt; Walnut Grill Debuts New Menu Items (Wed., 11/18/15)

‘Good Kids,’ Walnut Grill, Rock Star Karae

‘A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder’ Opens at Benedum; ‘The 33’ Now Screening (Tues., 11/17/15)

‘A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder,’ ‘The 33,’ Wild vs. Penn

Karla C. Payne is Berniece in "The Piano Lesson" and she won't let go of that piano.

First ‘Piano Lesson’ Tonight at August Wilson Center; Fathertime Plays Jergel’s (Fri., 11/13/15)

‘The Piano Lesson,’ Fathertime, Rachel B, Blue Jackets vs. Pens

‘Mystic India’ Brings Big Bollywood Show to Byham; Pittsburgh Guitars’ Big Beatles Show (Sun., 11/8/15)

‘Mystic India: The World Tour,’ 13th Annual Big Beatles Show, Yonder Mountain String Band, Raiders Vs. Steelers


Fighting Irish vs. Golden Panthers; ‘The Wild Duck’ and ‘Così fan tutte’ on Local Stages (Sat., 11/7/15)

Notre Dame vs. Pitt, ‘The Wild Duck,’ ‘Così fan tutte’

Polyphonic Spree Bring Unique Sound to Mr. Smalls; Club Cafe Hosts Lydia Loveless (Fri., 11/6/15)

The Polyphonic Spree, Lydia Loveless, Aakash Odedra, Unblurred: First Fridays on Penn

Amy Grant in Concert at Palace; Opening Night for ‘Servant of Two Masters’ at Public; (Thurs., 11/5/15)

Amy Grant, ‘Servant of Two Masters.’ ‘Altar Boyz,’ Team Trivia

L) is looking for happiness and he thinks Doc (Ciarán Byrne) knows where it's hidden.

Last Day for City’s ‘The Night Alive’; Local Screens Offering ‘Burnt’ Movie; Bengal’s vs. Steelers (Sun., 11/1/15)

‘The Night Alive,’ ‘Burnt,’ Bengals vs. Steelers, Bengals vs. Steelers

A poor chaiwallahÕs (tea seller) life is changed forever when a young girl is abandoned at a busy railway station and brings the place to a standstill with the beauty of her singing. An honest young policeman falls hopelessly in love but is rejected in favor of a disreputable poet. The contradictions of modern India with its iphones and ancient gods form the backdrop to this story about the dangers of keeping your soul locked in a cage. Award winning actor Jacob Rajan combines with musician David Ward to bring this intimate epic to life. Photo: Robert Catto.

Benedum Hosts ‘Beautiful: The Carole King Musical’; ‘Elephant Wrestler’ at August Wilson Center (Fri., 10/30/15)

‘Beautiful: The Carole King Musical,’ ‘The Elephant Wrestler,’ ‘Brainpeople’

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