

Luke Bryan in First of Two Concerts at First Niagara; ‘Sharon’s Grave’ Near End (Fri., 7/31/15)

Luke Bryan, ‘Sharon’s Grave,’ ‘Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation’

CLO Cabaret ‘Girls Only’; ‘It Could Be Anyone of Us’ Playing Apple Hill (Thurs., 7/30/15)

‘Girls Only,’ ‘It Could Be Anyone of Us,’ ‘Irrational Man’

Van Halen + Kenny Wayne Shepherd at First Niagara; Stage AE Hosts Hozier (Tues., 7/28/15)

Van Halen, Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band, Hozier, ‘The Wedding Singer’

a controversial figure in his time

Greek Tragedy ‘Medea’ at Throughline; Nationals vs. Pirates + Military Night + Zambelli Fireworks (Thurs., 7/23/15)

‘Medea,’ Nationals vs. Pirates,’ ‘Pine’


Classic Themes Collide in Irish Family Drama ‘Sharon’s Grave’

A strong-willed farm woman and a traveling roof thatcher overcome all the odds to find and happiness.

he's Paradis Lost—and John Michnya is his buddy Guy in "Last Gas."

‘Last Gas’ at Little Lake Theatre; South Park Hosts Chris Smither Concert (Fri., 7/17/15)

‘Last Gas,’ Chris Smither, ‘Medea’

Alan Obuzor goes heels-over-head for Alexandra Tiso in "Strength & Grace."

A Very Theatrical Thursday with ‘Strength & Grace,’ ‘Sharon’s Grave,’ and ‘The Drowsy Chaperone’ (7/16/15)

‘Strength & Grace,’ ‘Sharon’s Grave,’ ‘The Drowsy Chaperone’

Kinetic Has “Sherlock’s Last Case”; “The Gallows” Now Haunting Local Theatres (Wed., 7/15/15)

“Sherlock’s Last Case,” “The Gallows,” Team Trivia at Cappy’s

seated) stirs a mean brew in "Brewed

“Brewed” Still Perking at No Name Players; Padres vs. Pirates (Wed., 7/8/15)

“Brewed,” Padres vs. Pirates, “Jurassic Word”

Pittsburgh rapper Wiz Khalifa performing at Columbia University in 2010. photo: Andra MIhali.

Hometown Rapper Wiz Khalifa and Fall Out Boy Play First Niagara; Dark “Brewed” Running at No Name (Thurs., 7/2/15)

Wiz Khalifa and Fallout Boy, “Brewed,” Grazie

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