“A Lyrical Christmas Carol,” The Spacepimps Holiday Show, Panthers vs. Pens
“The Nutcracker,” Joe Grushecky and the Houserockers, “It’s a Wonderful Life” play
“A Lyrical Christmas Carol,” A 3Band Night with Slim Forsythe, Avalanche vs. Pens
Robert Randolph and the Family Band, Holiday Doo Wop Show, “Great Expectations,”
“Christmas Star,” “L’Hotel,” “Exodus: Gods & Kings”
Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Songwriters in the Cellar, “Smart Blonde”
“A Streetcar Named Desire,” “Smart Blonde,” Country Night
Six deceased superstars haunt Paris’ ‘L’Hotel’ in a world premiere at Pittsburgh Public Theater
Umphrey’s McGee, Maser Galleries’ Hessam Abrishami Show, “The Last Days of Judas Iscariot,” Brimstone Coven, Good Fridays at The Warhol
“Seven Guitars,” Carnival of Death with Suffocation and Kataklysm, Team Trivia Night
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