patrick moore

Parts of 'KAWS + Warhol' are spooky. The immersive experience pictured here by KAWS is called 'Tide.' (© KAWS, photo: Farzad Owrang)

‘KAWS + Warhol’ = A Surprising New Art Brew at The Warhol

A unique show combines Andy Warhol’s art with pictures and sculptures from KAWS—and lo, the combo works.

Edie Sedgwick became a close friend of Andy Warhol, acted in his films, and was a rising star in the New York fashion scene—all before tragically dying young. A short film-to-video clip of Edie is part of the 'Unseen' exhibition at The Warhol. This still frame shows Edie in her prime, glowing through a rose-colored haze. (Image © The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, PA, a museum of Carnegie Institute. All rights reserved.)

‘Unseen’ Art at The Warhol: More Than We Knew

The Warhol Museum’s show displays artwork by Andy that has been, figuratively speaking, in the closet

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