Pittsburgh Comedy

Actors (and skaters) Olivia Vadnais and Reed Allen Worth have fun in CLO Cabaret's 'Xanadu.' photo: Archie Carpenter.

CLO Cabaret Staging ‘Xanadu’; ‘I Won’t Be In On Monday’ at off the WALL (Sun., 10/15/17)

‘Xanadu,’ ‘I Won’t Be In On Monday,’ RADical Days

who served Dark Chocolate Truffles

October Nightlife Guide: Comics Izzard, Lange, Garrett, and Rudner plus Chocolate and Martinis

October features several top-notch comedians, a good dose of sweets, and a cultural district hot spot.

Karla (Jenni Putney) is astonished by Don (Tim McGeever) as Marcie (Helena Ruoti) and Geena (Kendra McLaughlin) recuperate. photo: Kristi Jan Hoover.

‘A Funny Thing Happened…’ Continues at City Theatre; South Park Running ‘Vintage Hitchcock: A Live Radio Play’ (Thurs., 10/5/17)

‘A Funny Thing Happened…’, ‘Vintage Hitchcock: A Live Radio Play

English Comic Eddie Izzard at Benedum; Pixies and Wye Oak in Pittsburgh Concerts (Wed., 10/4/16)

Eddie Izzard, Pixies, Wye Oak, RADical Days

Steelers vs. Vikings’; CLO’s ‘Miss Abigail’s Guide to Dating…’ Ends Today (Sun., 9/17/17)

Steelers vs. Vikings, ‘Miss Abigail’s Guide to Dating, Mating, and Marriage’

serious side of Tom Green.

Comedian Tom Green at Pittsburgh Improv; Fair in the Park and Pittsburgh Irish Festival Open (Fri., 9/8/17)

Tom Green, A Fair in the Park, Pittsburgh Irish Festival

Danny Catlow

Second City’s ‘Summer Blockbuster’ at O’Reilly; The Commonheart Plays South Park, littlegoodbad’s First Show (Fri., 8/25/17)

Second City, The Commonheart, littlegoodbad (+-), Rachel B., Murder for Girls, ‘Murder at the Craft House: Who Killed Alan Stanford’

Stephen Stills and Judy Collins in Concert at Palace; Marlon Wayans Plays Pittsburgh Improv (Fri., 8/18/17)

Stephen Stills and Judy Collins, Marlon Wayans, Kings of Leon

a Post-Electric Play' centers around a "Simpsons" episode. photo: Madison Hack

August Theater Guide: Innovative Plays, a ‘Simpsons’ Story, and a Top Quartet

This month features some experimental theater, summer comedies, and a rock history musical.

Sun King Warriors in Concert at Jergel’s; Stage 62 Running ‘Spamalot’ (Sat., 7/29/17)

Sun King Warriors, ‘Spamalot’

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