A Fair in the Park, Pittsburgh Irish Festival, Browns vs. Steelers
Rascal Flatts, Sheryl Crow, Hempfield Community Days, Twenty One Pilots
A Fair in the Park, Pittsburgh Irish Festival, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Pandemic, Good Fridays at the Warhol, Unblurred
Winger, “Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching Towards the Somme,” A Day to Remember
Absolut Wednesdays, Shelf Life String Band, Team Trivia Night
Kenny Blake, Lily Wine Affair, Tropical Tuesdays
Heinz Field Rib Fest, Kennywood, Sandcastle
Allegheny County Music Fest w/Rusted Root, Pure Gold, Cross Currents, Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Annual Exhibition
Pittsburgh Pirates, Gavin Degraw, Pittsburgh Panthers, Bleachers, Lisa Ferraro and Erika Luckett
Kevin Nealon, Kings of Leon, Reds vs. Pirates
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