Pittsburgh Nightlife

Dinzie is startled as Donal rises up on his death bed to angrily point at him. Jack looks on and Trassie (Karen Baum) tries to comfort her father.

‘Sharon’s Grave’ Continues Run at PICT; Thunderbird Cafe Hosts Thoth Trio (Tues., 7/21/15)

‘Sharon’s Grave.’ Thoth Trio, Tropical Tuesdays

Voodoo Homestead provides an open-air ambience for both man and canine.

Good Vibes Resound Through Voodoo Homestead Thanks To Quality Beer, Lively Events

On a crisp Wednesday evening, Christopher Maggio and a friend patroned Voodoo Homestead, trying different drafts and mingling with the welcoming staff, supportive regulars, and aww-inducing canines.

‘Airplane!’ Continues to Shine; ‘Ant-Man’ and ‘Trainwreck’ Now Screening (Mon., 7/20/15)

‘Airplane!,’ ‘Ant-Man,’ ‘Trainwreck’

Concerts From Kelly Clarkson and Gaslight Anthem; Tribute to Billy Strayhorn w/Spanish Harlem Orchestra (Sun., 7/19/15)

Kelly Clarkson, The Gaslight Anthem, Spanish Harlem Orchestra’s Billy Strayhorn Tribute

Green Flag Drops to Open Vintage Grand Prix Weekend; Mayhem Festival with Slayer and Devil Wears Prada (Sat., 7/18/15)

Vintage Grand Prix, Mayhem Festival, Natalie Cole

he's Paradis Lost—and John Michnya is his buddy Guy in "Last Gas."

‘Last Gas’ at Little Lake Theatre; South Park Hosts Chris Smither Concert (Fri., 7/17/15)

‘Last Gas,’ Chris Smither, ‘Medea’

Alan Obuzor goes heels-over-head for Alexandra Tiso in "Strength & Grace."

A Very Theatrical Thursday with ‘Strength & Grace,’ ‘Sharon’s Grave,’ and ‘The Drowsy Chaperone’ (7/16/15)

‘Strength & Grace,’ ‘Sharon’s Grave,’ ‘The Drowsy Chaperone’

Kinetic Has “Sherlock’s Last Case”; “The Gallows” Now Haunting Local Theatres (Wed., 7/15/15)

“Sherlock’s Last Case,” “The Gallows,” Team Trivia at Cappy’s

vocalist for Mojoflo

Community, Musicians, Weather Come Together for Biggest Deutschtown Music Fest Yet

Over 125 musicians, plus 16 venues and numerous artists and food trucks, make for a unique, successful third annual Deutschtown Music Festival. The first sunny day in memory adds the final touch.

“Gypsy” Opens at CLO; Altar Bar Hosts Insightful Rapper Talib Kweli (Tues., 7/14/15)

“Gypsy,” Talib Kweli, “Self/Less”

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