pittsburgh rock concerts

Mastodon and Eagles of Death Metal Play Stage AE; Regional Premiere of ‘Perks of Being a Wallflower’ at Prime Stage (Fri., 5/12/17)

Mastodon and the Eagles of Death Metal, ‘The Perks of being a Walflower’


Red Hot Chili Peppers Play PPG; Stage AE Hosts The 1975 (Thurs., 5/11/17)

Red Hot Chili Peppers, The 1975, Mitch Fatel, Pittsburgh Cello Quartet

Pittsburgh Marathon Day; Tjuan Benefactor Plays South Side Marathon Stage (Sun., 5/7/17)

Pittsburgh Marathon, Tjuan Benefactor, ‘Squeeze My Cans,’ Pirates vs. Brewers

Zach Grenier is Willy Loman and Kathleen McNenny plays his wife Linda in "Death of a Salesman."

‘Death of a Salesman’ Continues at The Public; Pirates vs. Brewers (Sat., 5/6/17)

‘Death of a Salesman,’ Pirates vs. Brewers, Mercedez

Blues Guitarist Coco Montoya in Concert at Jergel’s; Pens vs. Caps in Game 4 (Wed., 5/3/17)

Coco Montoya, Pens vs. Caps

Maybird Takes Flight at Club Cafe; Pens vs. Caps at PPG Paints Arena (Mon., 5/1/17)

Maybird, Penguins vs. Capitals

Australia in 2012. photo: Flo Rida and Wikipedia.

May Concert Guide: Rapper’s Delight, Blues Guitarists, and The 1975

A happening month of hip-hop, blues, and various varieties of rock ‘n’ roll.

Baseball's color line kept Josh Gibson out of the big leagues but he lived large nonetheless. Bass-baritone Alfred Walker is Gibson in "The Summer King."

‘The Summer King’ Steps Up to Bat at Pittsburgh Opera; The Me Toos’ Album Release Party at Spirit (Sat., 4/29/17)

‘The Summer King,’ The Me Toos, The Move Makers Band

Funnyman Rob Schneider Plays Pittsburgh Improv; Club Cafe Hosts Kinky Friedman (Fri., 4/28/17)

Rob Schneider, Kinky Freidman, Good Fridays at the Warhol

Pittsburgh Rock ‘N Roll Legends Awards at Jergel’s; Steeltown Entertainment’s Elly Awards; ‘4.48 Psychosis’ at OTW (Thurs., 4/27/17)

Pittsburgh Rock ‘N Roll Legends Awards, Steeltown’s Elly Awards, ‘4.48 Psychosis,’ Pittsburgh Craft Beer Week

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