‘Between Riverside and Crazy,’ The Chocolate Bar,Moors and McCumber,
The Outlaws and Henry Paul Band, To Kill a Mockingbird, Good Fridays at The Warhol
‘I’m Very Into You,”‘Hair,’ Pens vs. Wild
Park House Bluegrass Jam, Howl at the Moon,
Tegan and Sara, ‘Salome,’ ‘Yankee Tavern’
Dweezil Zappa, Unblurred: First Fridays on Penn, Good Fridays at The Warhol
Big Gigantic, Shonen Knife, Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus,
Craig Ferguson, Gene’s Place, Rock Star Kare
Not a lot of big shows for November, but a solid month nonetheless.
The 1975, Subba, Ceili Dancing,
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