peter farmer

Odette (Marisa Grywalski) tries to pull away from Prince Siegfried (Lucius Kirst).|Odile (Marisa Grywalski) is presented to Prince Siegfried (Lucius Kirst) as Odette by her father the evil sorcerer Baron Von Rothbart (Corey Bourbonniere).|The swan's dancing.|The court in colorful costumes dances with Prince Siegfried.

Pittsburgh Ballet Opens Dazzling New ‘Swan Lake’

A slightly revised version of the classic ballet is onstage at the Benedum Center.

Alexandra Kochis as Odette and Luca Sbrizzi as Prince Siegfried.|Principal dancers Yoshiaki Nakano (Prince Siegfried) and Amanda Cochrane (pictured here as Odile).|'Dance of the Swans.'|White and black swans dancing together in 'Swan Lake.'

‘Swan Lake’ Soars at Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre

A classic ballet with outstanding dancing, score, and now new sets.

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