Pittsburgh concerts

Lewis on keyboards. photo: Rick Handler|Lewis and band mates harmonizing for "Acid Tongue." photo: Rick Handler.|Getting a little closer to the audience as the sun sets in the west.. photo: Rick Handler|Lewis goes deep into a song. photo: Rick Handler|Lewis on cosmic/acoustic guitar. photo: Rick Handler|Pittsburghers love Jenny. photo: Rick Handler|A very talented group. photo: Rick Handler

“Voyager” Jenny Lewis Opens Three Rivers Arts Fest

Jenny Lewis and band jam the point for the Dollar Bank Three Rivers Arts Festival’s Opening Night Concert.

Pittsburgh Symphony and Opera Perform Together at Three Rivers Arts Festival (Mon., 6/8/15)

PSO and Opera, “Progression,” Sandy Dowe w/ The Roger Humphries Trio

Pittsburgh Opera Performs at Hartwood Acres; Pittsburgh Playwright’s “Fences” Ends Today (Sun., 6/7/15)

Pittsburgh Opera at Hartwood, “Fences,” “Tracing Outs”

Taylor Swift at the mic. photo: Jana Zillis.

Taylor Swift In Action at Heinz Field; First Niagara Hosts Dave Matthews Band (Sat., 6/6/15)

Taylor Swift, Dave Matthew Band, Railroad Earth, “Admission”

Jenny Lewis performing in her "Voyager" attire.

Jenny Lewis Opens Three Rivers Arts Festival; Aries Spears at Pittsburgh Improv (Fri., 6/5/15)

Jenny Lewis, at Three Rivers Arts Festival, Aries Spears, Unblurred Gallery Crawl, Pandemic Dance Party

My Morning Jacket Set to Jam Stage AE; Tasty Nepalese Cuisine at Subba (Thurs., 6/4/15)

My Morning Jacket, Subba, Team Trivia at Mario’s Eastside

Tame Impala to Run Loose at Stage AE; Park House Hosts Bluegrass Jam (Wed., 6/3/15)

Tame Impala, Shelf Life String Band Bluegrass Jam, Team Trivia at Cappy’s

“San Andreas” and “Pitch Perfect 2” on Local Screens (CPs Tues. 6/2/15)

“San Andreas,” “Pitch Perfect 2,” Tropical Tuesdays

2006. Photo courtesy of Severino.|The Rolling Stones core group (Mick Jagger

June Music Preview: A Cornucopia of Sounds

A numerous amount of concerts promises to make June a very pleasant month.

Balcony Big Band in Action at Jergel’s; Jazz Monday at Savoy with Tony Campbell’s Jazz Surgery with Fred Pugh (Mon., 6/1/15)

Balcony Big Band, Tony Campbell’s Jazz Surgery with Fred Pugh, Acousticafe with Black Little Birds

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