Pittsburgh Entertainment

Michael Clark Company

Dance Council Showcases Michael Clark Company; The Ready Set and Metro Station at Altar Bar (CP’s Sat., 11/1/14)

Michael Clark Company, The Ready Set and Metro Station. Sabres vs. Pens, Duke vs. Pitt

Gene The Werewolf

Gene the Werewolf Loose at Pittsburgh Winery; Jergel’s Holds Big Halloween Bash (CPs Fri., 10/31/14)

Gene the Werewolf, Jergel’s Haloween Bash, Terror Town, “Night of the Living Dead”

Broadway company of "Newsies." Photo: Deen van Meer.

Theater in November: World Premieres, Post-Punk Dance, and Pre-Holiday Musicals

November theater in Pittsburgh includes the all-new “L’Hotel” and “Smart Blonde,” plus re-adapted and revived classics … and a couple of wild cards.

Chris Smither Photo by: Jeff Fasano

High Surf at Palace with The Beach Boys; Chris Smither Plays the Blues; Horror Flicks (CPs Thurs., 10/30/14

The Beach Boys, Chris Smither, “Nosferatu” and “The Texas Chain Saw Massacre,” Kings vs. Pens

“So You Think You Can Dance” at Byham; Rex Hosts Adrian Belew Power Trio (CPs Wed., 10/29/14)

“So You Think You Can Dance,” Adrian Belew, Aaron Carter

“Annie” Opens in Cultural District; Toasters Up at Club Cafe (CPs Tues., 10/28/14)

“Annie,” The Toasters, Devils vs. Pens

Roger Humphries Trio with Mark Strickland at Savoy; “St. Vincent” and “Dracula Untold” on Local Screens (CPs Mon., 10/27/14)

Roger Humphries Trio with Mark Strickland, “St. Vincent,” “Dracula Untold”

“The Gambler” Kenny Rogers Plays Palace; Boz Scaggs in Concert at CLMH (CPs Sun., 10/26/14)

Kenny Rogers, Boz Scaggs, Colts vs. Steelers

Heinz Hall Presents Comedian Kevin James ; Meat Puppets Play at Club Cafe (CPs Sat., 10/25/14)

Kevin James, Meat Puppets, Georgia Tech vs. Pitt, Act of Pardon

"Idle Afternoon" by Hessam Abrishami|"In My Arms" by Hessam Abrishami

Hessam Abrishami Exhibition Opens at Shadyside’s Maser Galleries

The artwork of internationally known artist, Hessam Abrishami, is spotlighted at Maser Galleries in Shadyside.

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