Pittsburgh Sports

L) is looking for happiness and he thinks Doc (Ciarán Byrne) knows where it's hidden.

Last Day for City’s ‘The Night Alive’; Local Screens Offering ‘Burnt’ Movie; Bengal’s vs. Steelers (Sun., 11/1/15)

‘The Night Alive,’ ‘Burnt,’ Bengals vs. Steelers, Bengals vs. Steelers

Halloween Rock Star Bash at Jergel’s; ‘The Martian’ and ‘Excorcist’ on Local Screens (Sat., 10/31/15)

Rock Star Halloween Party, ‘The Martian,’ ‘The Exorcist’

A poor chaiwallahÕs (tea seller) life is changed forever when a young girl is abandoned at a busy railway station and brings the place to a standstill with the beauty of her singing. An honest young policeman falls hopelessly in love but is rejected in favor of a disreputable poet. The contradictions of modern India with its iphones and ancient gods form the backdrop to this story about the dangers of keeping your soul locked in a cage. Award winning actor Jacob Rajan combines with musician David Ward to bring this intimate epic to life. Photo: Robert Catto.

Benedum Hosts ‘Beautiful: The Carole King Musical’; ‘Elephant Wrestler’ at August Wilson Center (Fri., 10/30/15)

‘Beautiful: The Carole King Musical,’ ‘The Elephant Wrestler,’ ‘Brainpeople’

Chubby Checker to ‘Twist Again’ at Palace; North Carolina Tar Heels Travel North to Face Pitt Panthers (Thurs., 10/29/15)

Chubby Checker, Tar Heels vs. Panthers, Free Carnegie Museum Admission, Sabres vs. Pens

Members of The Shelf Life String Band bring bluegrass to the Deutschtown Music Festival. photo: Christopher Maggio.

Shelf Life String Band Plays Park House Bluegrass Jam; Ketel One Wednesdays at Olive or Twist; (Wed., 10/28/15)

Shelf Life String Band, Olive or Twist, ‘The Intern’

Ringo Starr perfoming with his All-Starr Band in Paris in 2011. photo: Jean Fortunet.

Ringo Starr and His All Starr Band in Concert at Heinz Hall; Fun On the South Side at Lava Lounge (Tues., 10/27/15)

Ringo Starr and His All Starr Band, Lava Lounge, ‘The Martian’

Tim Stevens/Leonard Johnson Project Play Savoy Jazz Monday; Acousticafe at Club Cafe (Mon., 10/26/15)

Tim Stevens/Leonard Johnson Project, Acousticafe, Global Mondays

CHMH Hosts British Pop Rocker Joe Jackson; Michael McDonald Plays the Palace (Sun., 10/25/15)

Joe Jackson, Michael McDonald, ‘Into the Woods’

Shadyside’s Nak Won Garden Offers Korean Specialties; ‘The Exorcist’ Visits Row House (Sat., 10/24/15)

Nak Won Garden, ‘The Exorcist,’ ‘Bridge of Spies’

PBT ‘Mixed Repertory #1’; ‘The Evening’ at New Hazlett (Fri., 10/23/15)

PBT ‘ed Repertory #1’; ‘The Evening’ at New Hazlett,’ ‘Water by the Spoonful’

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