Cool things to do in the Pittsburgh region
Roger Humphries trio and Kevin Howard Group, Laser bieber, Idlewild Park and SoakZone, Lawrence County Fair, Fit For an Autopsy
Galactic, East Winds Symphonic Band, Schenley Park, Pittsburgh Riverhounds vs. Tampa Bay FC Flames, Disillusion Effect
Steelers vs Giants, Slim Cessna’s Auto Club, Bo Wagner’s Rat Pack, Millvale Brewfest, Washington county Fair
Lt. Dan Band with Cpl. Doug and Alexis Vitale, Don Juan Comes Back from the War, Diversity Fest at South Park, Light Up the Trap, The Black Lillies, Good Fridays at the Warhol
Pablo Francisco, Scarcity, D-Pryde, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Pirates vs. Marlins
The Black Crowes and Tedeschi Trucks Band, Roads of Arabia exhibit, Pirates vs. Marlins, Dennis McClung Blues Band, Country Night
Adam Levine and Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson, Claire Hardy: Pittsburgh Steel Mill Project, Polish Day at Kennywood, All Shall Perish
Yes, Roger Humphries Trio with Shari Richards, Garden of Light Jewelry Designs By Paula Crevoshay, Wild Nothing, Greene County Fair
Yes, Pirates vs. Rockies, Cincopation, The Yellow Jackets, Washington County Wine, Jazz and Pops Festival
Wiz Khalifa and A$AP Rocky, Ronnie Dunn, Pirates vs. Rockies, Club Cafe Pop-Up Dinner with Bill Deasy, Party for Preemies
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